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I Forge Iron

A solution to the problem of the wet snowsuit


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When they come in with the dog from playing, there is snow everywhere. There is some in the necks, in the hats and in the mits. Everywhere.
The dryer I had built in wood is still pulling duty in front of the wood stove but it cannot do the job alone. The floor in front of the stove is not the best of ideas. So I forged a support that is screwed to the side of a beam. It can hold seven or eight snow suits on coat-hangers.


It is practical and, if I may says so ... looking good.


The holes in the brackets were forged.
I like the bulges forged holes make in an iron bar. In my eye, they add a subtle organic note to the bar. One can be seen on either side of the top lag screw. By the way I could have forged the lag screws' heads. I got lazy I guess or I was in a hurry to hang it up ... At least, they are not galvanized.
As to the wing nuts, they are copies of the ones appearing in the center of illustration number 3-7, page 117 of Plummer's 'Colonial Wrought Iron'.


There are others of various shapes at 3-12.


And one or two last ones at 3-15.


After having forged some twenty of these, I find them to be as much if not more work than the large ones I forged.


To forge these large ones I followed the instructions given by Uri Hofi that you can find here on IFI. Mine are forged by hand (his instructions for hand forging appear after those for power hammer forging). These large ones along with small ones will serve as functional and decorative elements on a handrail project I am now completing.

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