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I Forge Iron

good reference for mokume

Mad Rabbit

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I have recently sprouted an interest in making mokume game myself. Haven't had a go at it since I've been short on spare time recently. But I was curious if there and any books or websites that are good references to learn how to make it. Any help would be appreciated.
~The Mad Rabbit

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I think this is probably your best bet for website, but if you find something else do please share!

Midgett's book is amazing but somewhat of a unicorn to find, Ferguson's book has more than quadrupled in price over the last two years since it went out of print, if you are serious about your interest do yourself a favor and snag that NOW before it gets any worse. Just checked, too late, it's worse, Amazon has it at almost 170$, practically 10 times sticker price from 2 years ago. James is a magician much like the others already mentioned, but I haven't seen any independent publications from him (please tell me if there are, cause I'd want a copy!), he does have a chapter in Midgett's book thought. You can also try to get ahold of Jay Burnham-Kidwell, he has two published research papers on the subject that are difficult to find online, but conceivably available through the publusher (university press..? I forget). You might be able to raise him from the CBA website or the Arizona blacksmith association site.

Don't bother with the blurb in 'the complete metalsmith' though, it's pretty schematic... (Though it did lead me here originally, so maybe it was good for something after all) I have a couple of other generic silversmithing and jewelry books that give it a tip of the hat, but not worth chasing.

edited to uncorrect the autocorrect...

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I had already found the books by ferguson and midgett, but they were both way out of my price range. $170 and $350 respectively. They have a copy of midgetts book for a reasonable price, but it's in German. My girlfriends mom works at SIUE ( a local university) and she is going to try to borrow their library's copy for me to look at. I appreciate the help gentlemen, and will continue my search.
~The Mad Rabbit

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