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I Forge Iron

is this a steel anvil and how much would it cost?

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Note the cutting plate too small to be used as such---made by someone who doesn't know how an anvil works.


Please note too that prices will vary by a factor of 4 depending on LOCATION which you haven't given not to mention is it pounds pesos or rupiah!


I am in Los Angeles California and I am getting one offer of $100, but I have two other individuals who are interested in this item. 



I assume based off of the respones that this is Iron and not steel?  Also I assume that this is not really a high quality anvil.

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"ASO" is "Anvil Shaped Object" usually applied to cast iron versions that are not really usable as a blacksmiths anvil to much extent. A block of steel from the scrapyard at 20 cents a pound would work better as a using anvil. They are however usable as a secondary holder for hardy tooling, weights for glueing woodwork, garden or fireside ornamentation, etc.

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