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I Forge Iron

project I'm working on (hobby or jewlers anvil)

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Yeah my thought was for the stand/round anvil piece to have a hardy hole to fit the hardy/stake tools on one side so it could be flipped when needed. I also plan to make a small cut off tool. I'm toying with the idea of making a small stump stand with a recess that it can sit in for more stability.

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When I first looked at the pictures, I made the assumption that the base slug was going to have a large hardie hole to accept the anvil & other tool. The only thing I could offer is to make sure you drill a hole all the way through the slug so you can use a bar to knock out the tooling when it gets stuck. Looks like it would work very well for jewelry and small detailed work.

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  • 4 months later...

  Nice work,  heres the one I made out of a chunk of D-8 cutting edge.  The stem is 1" square A36 and the shank is 3/4 sq to fit my small anvil.  Also made a stand alone base for it out of a block of wood and a bit of 1/4 or 3/8" plate for a stake holder.  Been really handy for making small copper roses.  DSC01568.thumb.JPG.a0b368c37bce1d03baa00DSC01569.thumb.JPG.5b3698f5a5a715cdc0bb8DSC01570.thumb.JPG.7899df99716b36ddb9939DSC01987.thumb.JPG.62eb1c52b6a58ed6d2853DSC01988.thumb.JPG.0e20ba54e28f7e001e845


Edited by Dogsoldat
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