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I Forge Iron


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I was going to amend another thread but I simply couldn't find it soooo


I built this forge a couple years ago or 3 and I guessed then it would weld but never really tried til today. The pic shows the burner with a diferent T but I found I didn't need so much air so I went with a same-size T. Yeah I know 1" is overkill but I wanted to ensure it would weld.




The billet started with 17 pieces of banding and 17 pieces of band saw.




I still need to draw it out but ran out of time (and steam ;) ) did some other forging prior to the billet and first forging I've done for some time. My arm and related muscle groups are going to be sore tomorrow LOL




post-38-0-56642800-1410231287_thumb.jpg  post-38-0-50324000-1410231340_thumb.jpg post-14552-0-69344500-1410388750_thumb.j




Edit: I rotated the last pic in my files every direction and it still won't post right. Mods; any help here?

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