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I Forge Iron

Square vs triangular clinker breakers

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Hi folks,


What are people's thoughts about clinker breaker shape? I've ususally seen clinker breakers that are triangular, but on occasion square blocks. Any advantages of one over the other? I can imagine that a square block would be a lot easier to make, but do they work as well? Why is triangular more common?



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My firepot has a piece of 1/2'' plate welded to a 1/2'' rod, forming a sort of 'T' shape. 


Regardless of how your clinker breaker is shaped make sure you leave enough room around it for air to get around and to the fire. This is especially important if you are using a hand blower.




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The triangular shaped clinker breaker is used to control the shape of the hot spot.  With the "point" up you get a more central hotter hot spot, with the flat up you get a more diffuse larger hot spot.

Many of us don't do industrial smithing and so are satisfied with the hot spot our forge gives and just add more air to change it.

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