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I Forge Iron

Mothers Day hanging basket

Joel OF

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I made this in my coke forge for Mother's Day, it's a hanging basket to house one of her many flower pots. I designed it in my head on the drive to the workshop and made in 1 day with a hangover. Many points that could be better and I'd like to have the luxury of more time to tweak a few things, but I'm sure she'll be happy enough with it anyway. Highlighted a particular top and bottom fuller tool I'm lacking and will make sometime soon.

Joinery is what really turns me on with blacksmithing so it was an exercise as well as a present I guess.




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Cheers folks! Non-smiths don't understand the extra effort that goes into joinery, (compared to glueing bits together by mig/stick), so nice to have good feedback from those that know.

Not sure how much it weighs t.b.h. The two axes are made with 10mm bar and the rings are made with 8mm bar.

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Joel: For someone relatively new to blacksmithing you're doing darned well. It's also plain to see you like joinery that kind of thing isn't easy to do at all and you've done it so well. I like everything about it.


Your Mother's going to love it, above and beyond how much Mothers love anything their kids make for them. I can see a forged flower tree somewhere in the future, that way you can make her planters anytime and she'll have a place that NEEDS another one.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Cheers Frosty. This went pretty smoothely though there's definitely days when I feel like I'm forging with a banana instead of a hammer.


On those banana hammer days get some ice cream and forge a split. You know the old saying, "when life gives us bananas make banana splits."


Frosty The Lucky.

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