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Hi Rik and Jim,

I have not looked at the cameras but a new alarm system is certainly on the list

By the way, a friend told me this the other day - my appologies if you have heard it before


What is the difference between a lawyer and a cod?



One is a mud sucking bottom feeder, the other is a fish.




Let me get this straight, a member identifies himself as a lawyer, and offers help , and your reply is to insult him?


Wayne, I work in the alarm industry, primarily commercial fire, but we also do security. I have learned also that those ugly yard signs and stickers that alarm companies put everywhere are a deterrent... even if you don't have the system. Maybe you can find someone to get some of them from.


Backhoes are a great tool if you have something to bury. Dig a hole six to eight ft. deep, put your item in it with some quick lime to help the "steel" rust faster. Put three ft. of dirt on top, tamp earth down tightly w/ backhoe, put a dead goat, dog, cow, or horse in hole and fill the remainder of hole.


I agree GNJC, I think blank firing trip wires were originally make to alert farmers to poaches in open areas. Where I have seen them used on doors they have always been well positioned away from the entrance.

In all honestly I think I'd prefer to pay my excess on my insurance than risk being taken through the courts.


Wayne, there are some bad / amoral and grubbing lawyers around, no doubt about it, just as there are no-gooders in every field - when I was in the army I sometimes came across people who were a disgrace to the uniform. But... the criminal Bar over here are the same people to both defend the innocent and to ensure that some horrible individuals are put away for some pretty foul things (it's a family forum so no details). Anyway, best of luck with the security measures.

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