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I Forge Iron

Estimate and date my peter wright

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PW's were marked in hundredweight so originally 120 pounds, probably a little less now due to the wear.   After 1910 or so due to the "solid wrought" in a circle.  Is that a poorly made arc weld around the step/horn or is it just severe mushrooming?  


If it's just mushrooming from heavy use I'd call that anvil fair condition, if it's a weld that would indicate an attempt to fix a pretty big flaw and would rate it to be in poor condition.  Still some usefulness in it for a beginner or someone who's been working on a RR track anvil of course, just NOT a collectors item or anything special.  I'd expect it to maybe fetch $200 tops on ebay and only after it lingers there for a while.  Between ebay fees and the hassle of shipping I'd just sell it to some local kid who wanted to start blacksmithing.  

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