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I Forge Iron

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i`m starting a charcoal forge build. still collecting stuff for it, i`m too darn cheap to buy anything. have a stack of oak and maple pallets, it will make some beauty charcoal.

anyone know the optimum size for the charcoal?

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I use only charcoal in my forge. Mainly because it's easy to get - I just drive out into the bush and find it. besides, I don't know where I would find any coal or coke here. Ferocious freight costs from the south prohibit the thought.
I have found the charcoal I use (mainly eucalypt) is very hot. I have melted the leaves off hooks and the heads of snakes on occasions when I have been distracted or inattentive, or someone else is turning the blower for me.
I use charcoal by necessity, but I like it - cheap, clean, easy to light .. and hot.

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