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I Forge Iron

how to forge it


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I find it interesting that someone had so much time on their hands. They had time to make a self pouring wine dispenser. Who did they expect was going to clean up the mess?? :) :)  How lazy can someone be???


The mind is a wonderful thing. What one man can dream up, another man will implement. Usefull or knot.


Would you like to buy a bridge?? Never had salt water under it. ................................  CHEAP! :)



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777 AS Jeremy suggested above. all the moves on that piece are basic to midlevel smithing. Anyone can learn all of them. If you are new it is out of reach for you now but may well be done in your future. Jeremy as I see it can forge anything he can imagine or someone else has done. He started with basics. He built on those to get to this level. 

If you are new get into a 'smithing group and see wot others do and even better is to add someone on one or group instructions. I do not know if they are available where you live. But there are books on 'smithing that will let you learn alone if you have to. 

On this site there are basics listed in the pages section that may get you working also. 

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The legs aren't equi-distant from each other or the same height; the cage rotates on the taller legs and has a bail for carrying when upright.  Doesn't look like it's self-pouring, but self-righting.  There appears to be a spring under the bottle that controls the speed of the bottle's return to upright.  Without any type of gearing or clockwork, there's no way for the weight of the bottle to be overcome in a controllable fashion.


The guy's hand looks like it's manipulating something, but I can't figure out how it relates to the rotation.

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Picture isn't the greatest, but I think that's a crank he's turning that may "tip" the bottle.  A better picture would help explain it better. My guess is the real "difficult" part of that project is mostly in getting all the pieces to fit together and be the correct length/position. Looks like it's more an exercise in precision fitting and fab work than anything else.

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The mechanism is pretty basic. "He's" turning a screw that advances or retracts the bottom female thread of the lever that raises and lowers the bottle.


It's a pretty cool piece and mostly if not all mid skill level, cutting the threads would be the toughest part, the rest is basic smithing of a consistent grade.


I'd be more than happy to have one on the table.


Frosty The Lucky.

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There is a woodcut/drawing of an original one of these in one of Seymoure Lindsay's books, can't remember which one right. Anyway the original is 16th-17th century. The thread is made by brazing like an early leg vise. Or it could be made by filing and chiseling as described in Moxson's Mechanix . 

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Yes - the thread is the same as a courting candle.
The thread is like the first picture and you can see the same in the second inside the red circle.
The 3rd picture has a conventional machined thread.

I will still make one similar to these but a tad different to my liking, and show the results here.




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