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I Forge Iron

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So I built a bottom draft rotor forge for use with charcoal and I put some landscaping bricks I had around the house around it to add a bit of depth. But charcoal is charcoal and boy does it spit out the sparks. So, I took the other rotor I had (both off the same vehicle) and put it on top, upside down (as oriented by the original, base rotor) essentially sandwiching my fuel between the two, with the bricks serving as a spacer to add depth.


I have a gap in the front and back, between the bricks, to allow the metal to slide all the way through.


What I got when I added the second rotor was something that went from a fight to try and get up to heat, fuel falling all over the place and never being able to find the heart of the fire to something that will melt the steel if I so decided to let it. I have no idea just how hot I can get it, but I know it can get to welding heat. 


I imagine this has been done before, but I haven't seen it posted on here. 


To add fuel, I made a funnel out of some metal off the side a 55 gallon drum. I use a pair of tongs and just set it in the central hole on the top then shovel the charcoal in till it's full. 


So far, the only thing I've found I might have to alter is doing something to reduce the amount of air my blow dryer air source puts out. I think I might shove some steel wool into the arm of my turyere to reduce it.


Any suggestions? Concerns? 


Steel wool ignites easily and burns really well. 


What is wrong with disconnecting the air source from the air pipe and it a little or a little less toward the pipe opening to control the amount of air directed into the fire? 


Contact NC Blacksmiths and got o the meetings, They will know where the coal is located.


Build an air leak into the system. A hole in the pipe that you can open or close to let extra air out. Methinks with the amount of sparks you speak of you have a lot too much air for your needs. You also may make sure you are using hardwood lump charcoal. 


Actually I am using hardwood lump charcoal. I've got some pine I've recently fell, stacked and I'm letting dry. I'll be making my own charcoal soon enough. Right now I'm using some store bought lump charcoal. Not what I'd prefer to do, but hey, with enough motivation, you'll find a way to do whatever you want.


What kind of wood your charcoal lived as isn't your problem. Turn down the air and it'll behave. You're having trouble finding the fire's heart because there's so much blast, the fuel is consumed or blown out of your forge before your steel's hot, then the air is cooling and oxidizing it.


There are any number of ways to control the air blast, a couple have been suggested already. Just shifting the blower off the tuyere pipe is easy and will show you the answer. THEN you can design or adopt a cleaner air control system. Seriously, even a blow drier puts out too much air for a simple brake rotor forge burning charcoal.


Frosty The Lucky.

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