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I Forge Iron

Do they make steel cutting/hack saw blades for a coping saw?

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Something like these?
Task force brand 6" midget hacksaw blades listed as alloy tool steel for metal cutting. I have a pack but I realized that 'small jobs in small shop' does NOT equate to small saw and I upgraded to a 12" frame before I even opened that blade pack.

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Greetings Farmall,


I have used jewelers saws for many years and they work well on non ferrous metal.  Steel however is another whole thing...  The blades are so thin you soon give up because you end up breaking many.  I guess it all depends on the project that you have in mind...  One thing I do use a lot is a carbide round blade for a hack saw that available at most big box stores..  It is no substitute for a plasma cutter or my shears ( Beverly ) but you will find it very useful to do some detail work and small weld clean up..  You can use it as a mini file through a hole or in hard to get at places.  Buy one and give it a try .  You will love it.. I hope this helps some..


Forge on and make beautiful things


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I asked about jeweler's saws earlier as I had struggled with them cutting some slits in 3/16" mild steel.  Found this coping saw ( http://knewconcepts.com/copingSaws.php ) and while it is expensive, some times good tools are like that.  Was thinking this is a rigid enough frame if they made decent "hacksaw"/metal cutting blades for a coping saw.

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