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I Forge Iron

2nd attempt at knife ever. had fun


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I made it from a worn out bastard file. its not pretty and doesnt have a handle, but it's pretty dang sharp! annealed the file in sand, forged the point into it, rough ground it with 80grit belt sander, then moved to a worn out 400grit belt. got it to critical temp and quenched in oil. used a handheld propane torch to temper the middle to a straw color, then back to the 400grit belt for final grind (was working with limited time, so i left the filemarks on it). Sold for $15 as is with no handle to a guy at work when i showed him how easy it cut through the glove lol. had fun making it and learned alot!


comments always welcome













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I'm happy to say I'm RELIEVED! The first thing I did was check out the pics and the fingerless glove and chewed up brush handle drew all  kinds of BAD, flying sharp steel pictures in my mind's eye.


I'm glad you enjoyed making the blade.


Frosty The Lucky.

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FROSTY! LMAO! THANKS FOR THE WORRY LOL! the leather glove was me checking the sharpness lol. The brush handle came about to its current predicament from me using a (very dull) hatchet to make it short enough to rake ashes from my forge lol.

Steve, the last 2 pics are the knife/dagger as sold. My future work will have a lot more time into it. Look closely lol.

Jmc - my anvil is still the one I made in the anvil section post about homemade anvils. It's flat, so it's definitely good for knives lol.
I'll post some forge pics tomorrow if I can for you, but I'll go ahead and say I'm using a homemade coal forge and it took AWHILE to get the whole thing to critical temp... either a design change to my existing forge, or a gas forge is in order. The cutting edge ended up being about 10 inches and my hot spot is only bout 6inch diameter ... where in Alabama are you from???

And ha -I got an order for a bushcraft style blade at the same "finish requirements " as this one, cause the guy that bought it went home, skinned a hog his neighbor killed with it, and it was still arm shaving sharp! Maybe I got lucky with my edge grind???

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