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I Forge Iron

Nano-what? heck is a nanotube

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Hey all again,


So I've been asking around, and noones heard of nanotubes. Not my paps as a welder, not my engineering professors or buddies, not machinists, just one fella. He insists that good tempered steel will have smaller carbon nanotubes or something. Well it doesn't seem like common knowledge, especially if the main resource for info on it is a wikipedia article.


So, what the heck is it? I know they X-ray welds for certifications before they bearing test them and cut em. Are they looking for this mythical carbon nanotube? I figure if it's not a chapter in my 'strengths and materials' book for next semester, it can't be all that important...


Just a friendly question




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He insists that good tempered steel will have smaller carbon nanotubes or something.


I'll go with the "something." Good tempered steel will have smaller grains (crystals.) Carbon nanotubes are for carbon nanotoothpaste. Just brush 'em off!

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