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I Forge Iron


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Hey I wanted to ask anyone who might live near Washington If they know anywhere where I could pick up a scrap piece of steel to use as an anvil. I have contacted several local scrap yards, but they don't seem to reply to my inquiries. Thanks, 

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Try a machine shop that does jobs for heavy machinery, dozers, backhoe, railroad cars or ships. Bremerton has a shipyard I believe. Also, I've seen a lot of blacksmith equipment east of the coast, Hwy 2 used to have some decent salvage yards and 2nd hand shops. It has been a good 15 years since I've done any road trips in Wa. so I'm sure the hunting has shifted. Still, it's heavy industry country, heavy pieces of steel are pretty common. Heck you can find good material and WI in the Columbia river near the coast.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Yeah most people dont go too well with phone inquiry as it is usually the female secretary who you are talking to that doesnt really leave the office and dont touch the steel.

Head on down with some sturdy clothes and ask if you can have a wander around, wait for a good time (usually the middle of the day) and strike up a conversation about what you are doing and what you are looking for.

It can be a bit hit or miss though I usually walk away with something (scored some 2lb bearings for nothing last run  i did) 

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