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Peddinghaus Anvil Hardness

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I was wondering if anyone has any experience with comparing the hardness of Peddinghaus' 165lb anvil versus their 275lb model.  I have a friend who recently purchased the 165lb one because he heard that the 275lb ones came out of the heat treat a bit softer due to their mass.  I am talking about the Peddinghaus anvils currently produced by Ridgid in Germany.  I am leaning towards buying the larger one, but I wouls still like to get a hard anvil.


Any information would be appreciated.




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I made a recent search of the guranted hardness of several manufacturers anvils .  The following is what I found for Peddinghaus.




Peddinghaus   Handdwertkzeuge-Durlach 54-62 HRC  
Peddinghaus  Rigid-Belgium    53-54 HRC
I have also been looking at these anvils and found that the Handdwertkzeuge-Durlach has the highest HRC spread .  I don't know if the difference is because of weight / anvil size.   There are a few really nice older anvils a vailable.   I like the idea of examining each anvil before buying . Given the current cost of these fine anvils I would like to see the candidate regardless if aged or new.  In this context , travel costs for a hands on look could be a bargain.
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