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I Forge Iron

Victor from Central PA.

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I found this site by testing url names to create my site to blog on the subject. I'm glad I did too. The knowledge base I found here is incredible. After months of anvil searching and losing to higher bidders I finally snagged one. Metal shop was my favorite class in high school and now with only a few years to retirement from truck driving I can move into something I really enjoy.


I building my smith shop old school style. Stone wall in the side of a hill. Large fireplace with chimney built into hill, Tin roof and post and beam structure with fold up sides for the rest of the structure. Not a large shop by any means Just a functional smith shop from real old plans I found on ebay.


Small projects at first until my skill set improves. Maybe basic tongs and other tools. Then gifts for friends and finally some products to sell. Who knows?


I'm looking for a good hand cranked blower and  will probable make a forge from a disc brake to get started.


I'm looking forward to being a modern day journeyman in the field of blacksmithing.



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Greetings Victor,


Welcome..  I see you have a new anvil (Fisher) and a plan to build a shop...  You have a good start on your venture and will have a lot of fun.. I have a collection of old tools and equipment and have been at it for 40 years..  If I can help in any way give me a shout...  You have a great school in PA . Touchtone Center For the Crafts .. Look them up ...   I wish you well 



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Welcome aboard Victor, glad to have you. Sounds like you have a plan for success, life experience tells.


I don't know what your snow season is like but if possible a shed roof with the pitch into the wind is a good way to build your first shop. It makes it easy peasy to enlarge it later if you need to, just add the second pitch and you've doubled your floor space. AND you get to use the tall wall for the new outside wall. A line of bearing posts down the roof pitch isn't as inconvenient as it may sound, there're all kinds of uses for posts in the room.


Don't forget to post pics, we LOVE pics.


Frosty The Lucky.

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