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I Forge Iron

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Hello! My name is Bobby Murray, I'm 36yrs. old, and I'm excited to start learning about blacksmithing. I'm to attend my first Hammer In this Friday, and get oriented to the trade. I've also met a local blade smith, and am looking forward to learning this part of the craft as well. I'm completely new to this, and excited to learn. Any advice or information would completely be welcomed!

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welcome to the site and to smithing.

Best advice, start collecting high carbon scrap steel, looking at flea markets and become friends with your local scrap yard.

Start collecting hammers now lol, you can never have enough hammers.

You dont have to pay top dollar to do good work, many people can pump out some good stuff with very low cost items, just got to know where to look and how to use it.

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welcome aboard Bobby, glad to have you. If you'll put your general locaton in your header you'll be pleassantly surprised at how many of the IFI gang are within visiting distance.


Sounds like you've started off well, hooked up with a local smith and planning on attending smithing events. Networking with other smiths will put you in contact with the skills and tools you need. All that's left is becoming a regular presence here on IFI, we LOVE good questions answering them makes us examine our practices so we can explain to new guys. This is good, a lot of the techniques we use have become muscle memory and explaining helps us think about the whys of it. This is good for all involved, we really love explaining things even if we have to make stuff up. <wink> The next thing you need to get in the habit of posting pics, we really LOVE pics. Especially process pics, good series often end up in the blueprint section for prosparity.


Frosty the Lucky.

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