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I Forge Iron

Unidentifiable Anvil

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This Anvil is for sale at $600 Australian and the sellers only description is Steel Anvil.

Weight, Brand and condition aren't mentioned, but I'm hoping someone on here who can Identify a brand name if possible as well as if its in good condition.


Cheers for any help.


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Well, the looks can be deceiving because it's on its side.  Could be a Trenton or Wright, or it could be some other brand.  Looks like a good anvil, though.  The heel is snapped off just behind the hardy hole, but you don't need a hardy or pritchel for 99% of smithing.  Hardy-mounted tools can just as easily be secured in a vise.


Is it worth $600?  Depends on weight and availability.  In the US, I'd expect a broken anvil with that price tag to weigh at least 300# and I really wouldn't want to pay that much for it.  Having said that, though, if anvils are hard to come by in your locale, you might want to jump on the deal.


The horn looks almost new and I'm not seeing any chips in the edges or sway in the face, so it will certainly be a good working anvil for any shop, newbie or pro.  

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Very hard with the limited information available. It seems to look around 200-300 Lb, but thats a random guess.

Cant really see the face of it, but what you can see looks like it is in good order.

Is it worth 600 bucks for a broken off heel ??

Your call on how much money you have floating around, but I would keep looking around or talk to this guy about a more serious price, or getting some more details, like weight and rebound of anvil and condition.

Guy says it is steel anvil, but who knows what makes him say that, considering that he said nothing else about the anvil and took a bit of an odd angle shot on the anvil, kinda tells me this guy dont know anvils (who leaves a poor defenseless anvil like that tipped over on the ground)

The guys phone number is listed on the add and from the looks of it he has not sold it in over a month of listing it (so it cant be a that good deal)

I would keep looking around, the add next to it sounded promising if you cant smash this guys price down

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