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I Forge Iron

Towel Racks

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Two towel racks I finished over the last couple of months.  Both are from 3/8" x 3/4" stock.  The top one is small, probably big enough for a wash cloth.  The bottom one is a bit bigger - the span across the leaves is close to 18" or so.  Both were fun to make, but in both cases I underestimated the amount of material I needed to draw out - the curves ate up significantly more length than I expected.  The simple solution would be to plan things out with pen, paper, and some basic math.  But that's just crazy talk. ;)


These are also my first attempt at leaves - #1-4 are in the pics.  I like making them, but need much more practice before they look closer to leaf-like.  The Knife-making 101 tutorials were helpful with them - gave me some good insight into moving metal in a very small, localized area.


The finish on them is 1/3-1/3-1/3 beeswax, turpentine, and linseed oil.  Very easy to work with, and I like the result, especially on the top one.  The bottom one I wasn't as thorough getting the scale off before coating, and it doesn't look as nice, IMHO.






Anyway, thanks to everyone for sharing info and ideas on the site.  Any tips anyone can throw my way would be appreciated.





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Greetings , 


It looks like you got a good start....  I will pass on a few helpfull things...  I use long pipe cleaners to lay out work and establish lenght...  You can also use clay.. both help alot... 


Keep a bangin



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