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I Forge Iron

Fork and dragon head

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Got a few hours of forging time as a late Father's day gift. My first dragon head from half inch square stock, took about an hour. How a more accomplished smith manages to chisel out long horns, of equal size and then draw them out and twist them escapes me. Right now I'm just happy they didn't burn off.

the marshmellow fork is from a few weeks ago, from quarter inch square. It started out 18 inches long and ended up 24 inches long. Took some bending to work each end in the 14 inch brake drum, did a "final" straightening at least 3 times.



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Nice looking dragon Michael , I like your Marshmallow fork too. It looks like your tines are close enough to get both of them through the marshmallow. That should keep it from rolling on your fork. The other thing you want to remember is tell the kids to be careful shaking the flames out. I have caught a flaming marshmallow in the face, its like hot , sticky napalm..........LOL:D

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