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Hmm, they showed a hermit crab when they needed a coneshell, but otherwise excellent. I'm booking my tickets now.

and taipan when they showed a death adder....

When I showed a Chinese friend some pics of a green mamba in our garden and a boomslang in my sil's garden he said " well what do they taste like?
So Mat what do they taste like?


Mat what do they taste like? i dont know i come from scotland and eat rancid meat and pluck mixed with oats and stuffed into a sheeps gut yum.but australia has an edible coat of arms.



Well rattlesnake can be rather tasty if fixed correctly. I prefer grilled to let some of the grease drip off...

I would think dingos would be rather gamey unless they were *baby* dingos being eaten...

I got a set of twin grandkids that I think could chow down on a dingo---they will be 4 years old next spring and I think their Father is considering getting them "Baby's first fully automatic rifle" as a birthday present...


my youngens have a motto if they can catch it they eat it it they cant they shoot it then eat it ( yes they own guns several of them ) they are 7 yrs and 15 yrs old they have had them as of birth and get a new one almost each year with a new knife also .

as for the Sharks my 15 yr old is studding to be a Marine Biologist and is now in advance classes for MB and is only in the 10 th grade as for my 7 yr old she is doing dancing .


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