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norse battle axe

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progress on norse battle axe, fully shaped, hardened and tempered, kinda wingin it on the chisel decoration, not sure what to put inside the circle area, pehaps an anvil, or crossed hammers, or something runic....any suggestions?

*temper colors not actual, edge is bronze, socket is clear metalic, not sure why it shows up like this on the camera


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May I suggest you actually look at how they did decorate their axes and do that! The Mammen Axe is probably the most famous example.

I don't recall any "Norse" axes having the exact shape of yours---the gullet notch in particular, can you share with us the one it was based on?

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sure thing, I took a class with Tom Latinae to make this and have a couple days work to finish it since the class,
his axe is based on real museum pieces, definatly battle axes and norse, but my interpretation is that they are much later period norse, not the same as medieval period (or earlier)viking,
most examples have similar decoration, sumple punch work making up lines, and most have more curved lines than mine, but I was going for a similar style, not a replica, overall shape is aslo similar, not exact
you will notice many of the mueseum axes pictured have profile lines, not pleasing to the eye, and decoration not a nice as the Latinae's, honestly this is the hardest forge project Ive done and the trickiest forge welds Ive ever stuck, just shear stubbornness and patience to pull it off. Though all the others have a flower like design inside the circle, and I followed the some of thier other characteristics, I was thinkng of putting something original here, (more powerfull perhaps), dragon, if I coud pull it off, lightning bolt and a hammer would suggest Thor as well as a traditional thorshammer would, just kinda probing for ideas till I get one that stikes me
Thanks Woodsmith

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woodsmith, that's a..I'll use American and say..Heck of a job you've done with that axe. Very impressive. As to the filling of the circle, how about keeping it local (Norse) and use a triple-horn design? Just my take on it and it would look good with the rest of the design you've done..I know it's a symbol of woden and represents drinking horns, but Hey, slaughtering, raping and pilaging has GOTTA be thirsty work?

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im stunned here... i cant think of anything to put inside the circle except an anvil though. if you want to keep it authentic, google the specific time period your axe was in and then choose from some of the more popular symbols there is my only suggestion.

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Thank you, and Thanks for the input, all the originals Ive seen (4) have a flower patern there, I know this for sure, going for somethign more profound, dosent have to be authentic to period just not look out of place. I once made wooden shields for my kids, made up a crest of anvil with crossed hammers for them, might try that on a piece of scrap to see how it would look. Havent finished it yet but started on the handle, and documenting the whole build, and finaly made a touchmark, something Ive been meaning to do for years.. this will be the first forge peice Ive signed.

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Just a reminder that the London pattern anvil is a couple centuries *after* that axe. (Always hurt me to see great medieval replicas stamped with modern anvils as the anvil and crossed hammers is a fairly common smith's marking these days)

Have you thought of a design using you and your kids initials?

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inspired by the tri-horn, and tri- everythingelse used both Norse and christian, I came up with a tri-hammer, making a tribute to craftsmanship, seemed as fitting as anything, for this project, touchmark is sorta bottom left on the bitpost-1781-0-65064000-1340687297_thumb.jp

thanks for the input and suggestions


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