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I Forge Iron

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No, I talk at the same volume regardless of the ambient noise level.

I generally don't realize I am doing it unless someone else is around and gives me a weird look. . .

Caleb Ramsby

PS. Dodge, I mis-read your quote as "Impress, Adapt and Overcome! " did a bit of a double take! HA!!!


mac thats really funny! they do hear what was not meant for them best dont they!!!! i dont speak louder, but i can actually hear myself better with my ear defenders on, its like your in stereo! and the singing sounds cool :)


" Does he always talk to himself when he is alone?"
"I don't know, I was never with him when he was alone" :blink:


i talk at the same volume but i find that the longer i have been driving a tractor say 4-6hours or so i start trying to harmonize with it and that can get kind of loud


rory thats so funny!! i call myself stuff too, sometimes good names sometimes bad ones ;) i mainly myself what ive got to do next, so i dont forget on the long journey from fire to anvil.... most certainly when there is a left or right involved or i WILL do it wrong...

woody yes i bet the bike helmet, visor down IS a good one for singing to oneself :) good close range vibrations through helmet back into your Skull :) i like :)


i mainly myself what ive got to do next, so i dont forget on the long journey from fire to anvil

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I talk the loudest to myself when I stand in the middle of the workshop having absolutely no idea what I was busy doing.

It is not talking to yourself thats the problem - its when you start replying

Your only jealous because the little voices talk to me :ph34r:


I sure do, I'm the only person I can hear clearly since the accident damaged the nerves on my left side. I'm also the only one to whom I hardly ever have to explain what I meant. Louder, quieter? I don't care, I usually just need some cussin out for the last dumb stunt, turning whatever the wrong way, whatever. Left? Right? Does it matter? Ask the voice in back, they always have an opinion.

If they didn't answer, what'd be the point? Heck, I'm muttering to myself right now.

Frosty The Lucky.


crickets, I hear the buzz all the time. The only time I am aware of talking to myself, is when I find myself at the other end of the shop and have forgotten what i came for.


over all i think it helps problem solve if you talk out your thought process
as well its nice to know someone is listening to you
but that being the case it sure is sad when you realize you are talking to yourself and you have no idea what you were just saying


I normally talk to myself in the same tones. People tend to get worried when I argue with myself. I tried to explain that the voices in my head sometimes have great ideas.... :wacko:


crickets, I hear the buzz all the time. The only time I am aware of talking to myself, is when I find myself at the other end of the shop and have forgotten what i came for.

crickets, I hear the buzz all the time. The only time I am aware of talking to myself, is when I find myself at the other end of the shop and have forgotten what i came for.

Yeah, When others are around they're usually no help with this..... :mellow:..... but I still ask....... :D

Gee, I'm glad I'm not alone. Pun intended.

I ride bikes too, and often sing to myself as well. I would probably die of embarassment if anyone heard me though. I ain't no opera singer. In the shop, I can carry on a pretty decent convo with myself. I've come to some serious revelations this way.

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