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I Forge Iron

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Looking for someone willing to identify an anvil. Stamped "W.B.B.&Co" in a diamond and "Wrought Iron" in a circle with "USA" at the bottom all on the side. No "Warrented" stamp though. Looking at the horn head on, left foot has "Z101" and right foot has "A19349" stamped. Can not read the number stamped on the underside of the tail. Internet research has be thinking this could be one of the so called Hay Budding anvils.

What I know about the anvil. This belonged to my wife great grandfater who had a blacksmith shop in Forest Texas back in the 1920's thru 1930's. He shut the blacksmith shop down the day after his nephew Clide Champion Barrow visited. My father in law gave me the anvil for my blacksmith/bladesmith shop. I did not use it because I had a Mouse Hole on the stump and the old WBB&Co anvil had a baddly mushroomed side. At the time I could not make out any writting on the side of the old anvil.

My father in law said to grind off the side and use it. I was a bit apperhensive because I dont like to destroy anything that has historical or family value. But I did hit it with a grinder and sander followed by a good brushing with a cup brush. This is when I found all the stamping.

Now some of you may think this is neat to have an anvil that Clyde may have hit with a hammer or sit on while visiting.... I am thinking this could explain a lot about the temper of the woman I married. LOL.

Any help with identification just shot of buying the book "Anvils in America" is greatly appreciated.

Gary Antley
Antley TX Knife and Forge
Groveton TX


Since several makers made anvils for different companies it's not unusual to find anvils made by one company and marked for another.

It gets more complicated when one company, exp Sears & Roebuck, sells anvils under their brand name, exp acme, and has them made by several different manufacturers over time.

Anyway does your anvil have the H-B "hourglass shaped lip" on the bottom? That would be a strong indication it's an HB; though missing it doesn't rule it out necessarily...

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