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I Forge Iron

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Last summer I posted pics of my forge set up and was asking about some advice. Well I have finally started to improve my forge. Let me know what you think and any more advice will be appreciated as always! The first pic is the old forge. The new setup has a 12" brake drum for firebox, 2" black iron piping for tuyere and an old oil stove blower with a dimmer switch to regulats the speed. more pics to come as progress continues. I am going to use a kitty liter clay mix to line the firepot a little to help keep the coal to fall as old is burned up and put some kind of lip around the table to keep extra coal fro fallinf off.







I gave serious thought to mounting my firepot like you have yours before my rebuild (see the 'Ghetto Forge' thread for pics, etc.)

I decided to flush mount it with the table top to make it easier to get fuel in the fire. Your table top looks a heck of a lot more solid than mine, though. Definite props for that score.


Thanks, it was here at the house that we are renting. the house used to be my wife's grandfather's, I wish I had gotten into smithing before I hauled all the junk to the scrap yard <_<. I had thought about the lip and it being dificulty to get the coal over it, I am thinking about using some of the kitty liter clay mix around the lip, sort of like a ramp.

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