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Looked at a few 2 X 72 belt grinders and it seems like sky is the limit !

I'm new to this and not going to buy a top of the line machine and I'm not going to build one [not knowing what I really need yet]

So I looked at things like Grizzly [i have their bandsaw and drill press -good for me] but read some not so flattering reviews .

The price is good but I could go to about $ 1000. for peace of mind and confidence in unit ,

right now I have a standard belt grinder -old craftsman 4 x 36 with wheel on side plus a small 1x30 ryobi sander wheel on side [removeable wheel ]

Should I start with these ?? also have a delta 6" grinder .. grinder can be buffer or cut off I guess .

I read the $ 50 knife book ,good read a bit confusing [for me] . He is quite creative and did a lot with little . I don't have his ingenuity or time to do builds .

Looking for some good solid basics to get started .I will keep reading sticky -new builder-it's GOOD.


I have a Grizzly. Got it nearly new for $300 from Craigslist. It came with about $150 worth of belts and a $70 10" wheel thrown in. Great deal; good machine.

The only modification I have made was to install a ceramic platten... well worth the effort.

That said, a new Griz to your door will be $574

If I was in that range and couldn't sqeeze the extra for a KMG, I'd get a Coote and find a motor somewhere.

If I could scrape up the big bucks (1k+), I'd definitely go KMG.


I make knives just about full time...which means I am old and do not put in the hours I used to. I do have some thoughts on grinders and they are for sure based on my needs. Maybe they will be of some value. I use a Grizzly grinder every day I am in the shop. I take a bar of steel and cut to rough profile with a band saw and then finish the profile with the grizzly. I use the flat platten on the grizzly to flatten the back side of scale material for fitting to a full tang blade. I uuse it for general shop use from sharpening pencils to almost anythin that needs done. If it quit today I would order a new one.
But, it has its draw backs. It runs too fast for me to use for hollow grinding blades, I couild use it for that but really prefer to grind at slower speeds. If I were to try and grind a longer blade than a hunter my left hand holding the blank would hit the motor. That would put a wowee in teh blade and likely could not be saved if It was a rough belt. I have an 8" drive wheel on mine and a larger wheel would increase the surface speed per minute even more. I hollow grind all of my blades from rought to an almost mirror finish with a hard core grinder, variable speed with an 8" contact wheel.


If I had to buy another grinder it would be another hard core. period. Other good options wold be like already said, a kmg. A bader lll or maybe even better for you would be to really search for a grinder used. Not sure wot your needs are but look for the features you will want. You can get add on pieces for any of the curerently made grinders from the maker. Just know they will be pricey. I use a small wheel attachment for my hard core, and have five different sizes of wheels for it. The attachment was ver $600 and each wheel runs from $40 and go higher. Just know that if you find a used machine with lots of add ons it is worth more. A lot of folks on here make ther eown. A lot of those folks have a lot of trouble with them for a long time until they get things sorted out or give up. If you have a lot of expereince with fab and metal work thaqt may be a way to go. Polar Bear Forge, ( hope that is right) has a kit that has all the parts you need and contacts for all of the rest of the pieces.Not a cheap kit but sure looks good.


Thanks .. appreciate info. I looked at the KMG seems well made . I'm sure the xtra's will add up bigtime

Used would be fine Surprised there isn't a buy-sell on this forum


We have a tab that says "STORE" and another that says "TAILGATING" located
at the top of the form.
It seems as though they are not being used at the present time, or I don't know how to use them.
I am sure there is a good reason for that.
That may be a good question for the site administrator: Glenn

This site is constantly being up-graded even as we speak.
The demand and volume of use requires that it is upgraded to meet the need.

So don't give up mfm, it gets better and better all of the time.
Ted Throckmorton


If you are just starting to make knives, and not doing it as a full time buisness. I would sugest that you make a few with the equipment that you have. High grade belts can be had in 1x30. Then, you'll see what you need/want in a grinder. For what I do, the craftsman 2x42 works just fine.

If money was not an issue, I would deffinatly have a KMG style grinder. But I don't have it like that yet. Do I plan on buying one? Absoloutly.

I would sugest making a few knives with what you have, and going from there.


Good advice 556mp .. I'll try some things with what I have .. But I have to say those KMG look like precision tanks .

Tim I'll be in touch I'm in the middle of moving my business from NYC to Massapequa Talk about stressss!


556mp has good advice. I used a 3" by18" belt sander held upside down in a vise for a long time. the biggest difference between it and the KMG I use now is speed. Things go much faster now. I would wait and if you get to a point where you think your grinder is holding you back then upgrade. And keep reading the tailgating sections here and on other forums, good deals are out there. -Justin


I think these could very well be a good alternative to the Grizzly. It looks like a slightly simplified welded NWG (No-Weld-Grinder). Some upgrades available, like more power, or NEMA4 enclosure, etc.

It's worth looking into I think.


I have a Grizzly. Got it nearly new for $300 from Craigslist. It came with about $150 worth of belts and a $70 10" wheel thrown in. Great deal; good machine.

The only modification I have made was to install a ceramic platten... well worth the effort.

That said, a new Griz to your door will be $574

If I was in that range and couldn't sqeeze the extra for a KMG, I'd get a Coote and find a motor somewhere.

If I could scrape up the big bucks (1k+), I'd definitely go KMG.

Where did you get your ceramic platen and how do you like it.I am currently using Pyrex glass on my platen and have been for a few years now.

Thanks .. appreciate info. I looked at the KMG seems well made . I'm sure the xtra's will add up bigtime

Used would be fine Surprised there isn't a buy-sell on this forum

I have a KMG and 2 home made ones. I now make my own attachments for the KMG as I come across something that needs something other than what I have.

I have been using a Coote for 10 years and it's been a great machine. The only things have changed are to modify the rest and add a glass platen liner. For the liner, I used 1/4" shelf glass I had left over from a project. I have only changed the liner once in 10 years.

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