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Both you and Janice are in my prayers. God Bless.


Thank goodness that kind of news is overshadowed by the Good News that was given to us approximately 2,000 years ago.
The good news opened the way for us to pray knowing that we have a mediator who helps us, and is closer than a brother.
We have added our prayers expectantly with the rest of you who are in common agreement about the benefit of prayer for
the positive good health and welfare of our blacksmithing brother and his wife Janice.

Smithy1, you have done the right thing by asking for prayer. It is powerful.
Ted Throckmorton


I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughts and prayers. I e-mailed Dr. Isam Nemeh The doctor turned Faith healer,... who believe it or not......physically healed me through prayer ( go figure....ME !! ) when I was with someone else, whom I brought to him for healing. ( I was definitely a non believer,....) And the person I was with was the most deserving. Believe me when I tell you I did not deserve it....still don't. But it is what it is. Today, the color returned to her face, I feel confident
she will recover even though the doctors say she needs a miracle.......... I think it is happening


Gentlemen, the power of prayer has so far astounded the doctors, my wife is sitting upright in her bed breathing tubes out, very weak and asking why am I here? what happened? She can move all her parts and follow commands ( probably not when she gets home though )
the sedation won't wear off for another twelve hours, then Neurology will take her to look for brain damage, I'm sure she won't have anymore than she used to. Thank God and all of my brothers in iron and their families and congregations for helping us in our time of need, so far I am witnessing the second miracle I've seen in my life caused by prayer...pretty amazing Thank you all, thank you.


Now I'm pretty confused, my wife has made a miraculous recovery, her only damage is hearing loss in one ear ...which may improve when the fluid in her ear dissipates ! the miracle of prayer is astounding and my thanks to all of you for helping in her recovery, now I have to rethink the whole afterlife thing, and I may be in trouble !


The power of prayer is indeed powerful. Glad to hear that your wife is doing well. Maybe we all should rethink our own actions and what it could someday mean. Prayers for complete recovery and good health still coming from Illinois.

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