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I Forge Iron

McMaster Carr refractories

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Title says it...has anyone tried any of the refractory products listed in the McMaster Carr catalog in their gas forge - either for walls, reflective coatings or floor?

I'm trying to come up with a less costly version of ITC-100 for coating the inner walls and a good flux resistant floor liner. I'm planning 3-4 new gas forges in various sizes for the upcoming year so this effort will be an investment.

We have a very good ceramics supplier in San Antonio and they carry most any dry ingredient that could go into a commercial mix - so I might even consider making my own brew but that sounds like too much experimentation when proven products are out there already.

Thanks, H

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I can tell you that the 5000 degree stuff is not what you want for a forge. It's a magnesium oxide-based fireproofing material.

Back before I knew any better, I bought a bucket of McMaster's 3000 degree "extreme temperature ready-mixed cement." It seems similar to Mizzou and other dense castables, but why pay to ship water?

I don't think they have anything equivalent to ITC-100. Plistix 900 is supposed to have a similar effect at much lower cost, but I've never used it. You can buy it from Wayne Coe and others.

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