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Hey all, I'm thinking of making a business card holder for my wife for Valentines day (she just got her own office) and couldn't seem to find any blueprints or ideas around so I thought i'd see what you guys may have made in the past.
The only one I found was a swan one, which isn't really her style.
I also found a RR spike one (which is my main material besides horseshoe nails) but it looks very heavy, and not to feminine. (see pic) http://www.iforgeiron.com/gallery/image/19976-rr-spike-card-holder2-0/
Any thoughts?



It's for her desk.
That feather is nice!
I didn't make the RR spike one, I just found the pic on the web during a google search.


Good Morning,

Similar to the idea that Thomas and Glenn have, how about an open hand as the base (4 fingers & part of the palm) with a moveable thumb holding down on top the cards. It doesn't need a lot of detail if it is obvious that it is an open hand. Kind of like "Help Yourself"

just a thought,


For inside (where you don't need to account for wind), you need something for the cards to rest against on the back and something to keep them from sliding out the front and maybe a back leg to stabilize it setting on a desk.
So a basic premise - take a long u shape, the bottom of the u is the back base, turn the legs down (the cards will rest on this part of the legs), turn the legs to the front for some space (the longer this space, the more cards it will hold), turn the ends of the legs up (keeps the cards from sliding). You can add decorative elements to the ends of the legs or at the top. Make adjustments to get it to sit right (since it's 3 legs this won't be difficult). Or somewhere I read of someone using a bead of clear silicone on the bottoms to keep the ironwork from marring what the piece is setting on.
I don't have pictures of an iron work card holder (I've done a couple in wood). But it's easy enough to think, "What form will hold cards?" to get the basic shape then add the decoration to personalize it as the function allows. It can be as simple or complex as you want.



Great thoughts all, (Thanks Glenn for finding the creator of the spike one!)
I think I have an idea or two of what it will look like, now I need to see if i have the skills to make it.
Son of Bluegrass- (whose abbreviated name would be S.O.B. which is what I first typed, but then changed when I saw it!) Thanks for that silicone tip, that's a great idea.
I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck.


I made the RR spike card holder that was posted. I got the idea from Hammerkid (who hasn't been around for ages). The back leg is easy to do with a band saw, but chisel cuts for the front legs. being a 3 point contact it's easy to get it balanced correctly. You can alway forge down the spike to any size you want, leaving the head id's what it was. Not top heavy, just very stable and not that heavy overall. If you want to feminize it, make a steel rose and tack that to the back conforming the stem with the back of the cardholder, or make one of those forged hearts and use it as a base or backstop.

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