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I Forge Iron

Forging in Germany - Anno 1935

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They make slit and drift look effortless. Even though the film is a little faster than normal speed it shows how well orchestrated the moves were between the master the master and his striker. It really showed the importance of having a good assistant. The hammer control while peening over the rivet in between the scrolls was impressive. That was a really good video of a master at work. Thanks for sharing the video.


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The book Trez Cole mentions was written and illustrated by the late Fritz Kühn of Berlin. He also wrote "Stahl Gestaltung," (steel formations) one of my favorites. "Geschmiedetes Eisen" translates as 'wrought iron' and is an overview of Kühn's work. At one point, the entire book was translated into Englsh with the title "Wrought Iron." Another good book of his is "Geschmiedetes Gerät" (forged household furnishings and vessels). Kühn was a 20th century smith who did lots of hot splitting and intersecting as shown in the 1935 film.

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I found and bought a 1939 copy of "Geschmiedetes Eisen" when I was in Germany once. A big thanks to my high school German teacher who taught me well enough that 20 years later I could still ask a guy selling books at the fleamarket if he had any books on blacksmithing or iron work. It was cheaper than buying the new modified reprint too! He had it hidden away due to the ban on showing National Socialist iconography in Germany.

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