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I Forge Iron

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Another smith came over Saturday with his 10 year old son Jeff. Jeff came prepared with all new PPE. While dad worked on knife blanks, Jeff and I got to some serious work. He mig welded, used the bench grinder, chop saw, drill press. (With me huddling over top of him like a shadow) A very attentive listener, deliberate, cautious but not timid. A 'man' of few words. I watched him carefully as he pulled the the steel from the forge and walk over to the power hammer. I thought his eyes would 'bug out' but he took the square to round and then tapered 3/4 stock. Not bad for a young boy. Sure makes me miss my grandsons. The two grandaughters that still live in town think the shop is gross. My wife says that I can't get them dirty because their mom will have a fit so I give them sugar and caffeine instead just before they go home. Who says you can't have fun with granddaughters........BAD pappa BAD pappa


Way to go grandpa! Not all kids have a grandpa to spend time with them. It is a blessing that you are willing to be a grandpa to another child.
A little dirt never hurt anybody. I'll bet that youngster wore the dirt with pride when he left your shop.

Mark <><


It's amazing how fast young folks can pick up the rhythm of a shop. Besides safety stuff, I try hard not to lead a young'un to the end of a project, I want to see how the mind works, what's intuitive, how they're going to get to the finish line. My boy had an exempliary teacher in the second grade. He made her a stacked-pedal rose for xmas vacation. It came out great. I never told him it was going to be hard, and it wasn't. We had a great time together making it, although he never realized he was working. If you don't tell them they can't, they most likely can.


Thats great to see other people investing in younger generations. My son is 9 {almost ten } and he runs my tractor. is learning to do some blacksmithing with me and some mig welding.. His grandfather taught him to read a tape measure, tear down and rebuild a lawn mower engine and some basic framing and plumbing skills. My son can also saddle his own horse and work cattle with me and he is learning to rope. I only wish more parents/people would teach kids more of these types of things...so much is being lost on kids now days that just want to sit and play video games all day...


The first thing my middle grandson made in my shop was a set of flat bladed screw drivers for his dad. He was 8 years old.

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