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have any of you blokes ever put in a tender for blacksmithing gear?
ive gotta get a hold of some gear, ive got me eye on it, and ive just been told its gettin put to tender.

now ive done me time as a blacksmith, and i know how to bash steel and get stuck into a 120mm round billet with a massey 5, but this idea of puttin a number down and waitin is just beyond me...
any ideas on the make of hammer?
anyone who knows what this beastie be, let me know! i need to decommission it, and im not the bluntest tool in the shed when it comes to pulling things apart to move em, but any advice is always the icing on the proverbial.
you wait till you see what i can come up with from under the jaws of this beast!
now i understand that it could be all down to where it is, but i think i can knock off part of the price being in a remote effn q (far north qld, aussie) possie. but there has been some interest, hence being put to tender, so how do you work out a price?
scrap + some?
what im willing to pay?


Well first it needs to be examined by an expert. Looks good in that photo; but the shaft could be scored/galled/cracked or broken. (if possible try to find the last person who used it and buy them a beer and ask them about it---big difference in price between a "Boy I loved that hammer---sweetest running one we had" and a "That dog, spent four times as much time trying to fix it as we did running it"

Can you get a truck close to it? What about lifting equipment both there and at your shop? Squished broken smith getting the frame greasy cuts the value way down!

What is the market for them down there? I'd bet that the price will start at scrap and go up and not new and go down.

How bad do you need/want it?

Remember to not spend to your limit and then have to look at it for a couple of years till you get enough money to make a critical repair!


speaking to the old smith is first on the list, got his number now and i'll see how it goes..... apparently he's a talker, and ill need to devote a few hours to a 'chat' (seems like a very smithly trait :) )
the logistics of the transport are not an issue, just the proceedure involved. ie: does it get lifted off the anvil block or can the block/anvil be removed first. from what i've seen of owen bush bashers flickr photos (his #2-3 seems to fit this ones discription) i think the rest is *fairly* straight forward (?)

the age/ original price is beyond me, judging by the telephone number i'd say it was at least 80 year old....


Well first it needs to be examined by an expert. Looks good in that photo; but the shaft could be scored/galled/cracked or broken. (if possible try to find the last person who used it and buy them a beer and ask them about it---big difference in price between a "Boy I loved that hammer---sweetest running one we had" and a "That dog, spent four times as much time trying to fix it as we did running it"

Can you get a truck close to it? What about lifting equipment both there and at your shop? Squished broken smith getting the frame greasy cuts the value way down!

What is the market for them down there? I'd bet that the price will start at scrap and go up and not new and go down.

How bad do you need/want it?

Remember to not spend to your limit and then have to look at it for a couple of years till you get enough money to make a critical repair!

i cant comment on the market for hammers, but since it is being put to tender there is at least some interest. i hope it is only hobbyists, because i think i could out bid them.... and make it work it back :)
if i want to get serious about my future, i need it, and i want it o so badly :P

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