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A internet search found the following

The W-W is 100 lbs., the smallest they made (if I've been informed right). I believe they were marketed more towards industry. Size wise it's a lot bigger than most other 100 lb. hammers I've seen- its about 8 feet tall. It uses a mechanical cone clutch rather than a belt tightener and has a built-in brake.

The internet also pointed to (of all places) IForgeIron.com and this thread. There is reference to other threads on IForgeIron about the WW hammers. So far 75, 100, 150, and hints of larger hammers.

This is one reason we suggest you do a search of IForgeIron, the information is there.

HI Glenn, ive seen a couple vague references like listed, but really would like to know if there is some definitive information on sizing of the WW hammer. Ive heard 65, 75, 100 and 150 thrown around but nothing affirmative.


Contact Stuartthesmith (IForgeIron) as he has a WW. He has a tall hammer as it appears the hammer sticks through the ceiling of the room.

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