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I got my post vise off Ebay for around $20.00, it actually cost more to ship it from Arkansas to my house in Oregon!
Its beaten up, and has some metal welded on to repair it,
I´ve flailed on it a lot, and still works fine.

I suspect you havent been watching ebay auctions very closely. If you check often, you will find some `lesser`vises out there which dont have a collector value, but are perfectly usable for a smith.
Also check Craigslist......
If you cant find a post vise, you can still use a bench vise for a lot of things.


WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU IN? Or are you willing to buy a cheap vise and pay international shipping?

I bought a 6" post vise for $50 last Quad-State Blacksmith's Round Up; if you are in driving distance of it I'd try there!


I bought a Beautiful 6" Post vise from a scrap/salvage yard in Salem Or for $150.PostVise.jpg

It was a fair price, not a steal. But, they had 5 more in the bin rusting away waiting for a home....

My first post vise!

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