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I Forge Iron

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Nothing very special and as it is for myself and not a client it was slapped together. A few pictures of the process........frame 20mm round bar, seating 50 X 5mm flat. Total weight about 150#






Good looking bench; but may I suggest you think about making the stuff for yourself *special* as it will always be on hand when folks come to see you about getting something made...sort of a physical portfolio

(I'm one to talk, I own all of my mistakes and all of the really good work belongs to someone else!)


Wish my 'slapping' was as good.Your bending jig looks the business for repeated similar bends, and perhaps useful for the solo smith-aspirant like me. I guess making different diameter formers accurately is the key, but I suppose if you make a small diameter one (section of 4" pipe perhaps), you could wrap a larger diameter one around it and so on until one has a whole set of 'nested' formers for a range of diameters. I forsee a project in that for me ... thanks for the inspiration Kevan!
That gleaming power hammer in the background is the stuff of dreams (at least for me anyway).



Nice looking project. If I may make a suggestion, I try to hide every weld I can, not that I can't weld it's just something I do. seems to make the item look better to me and also saves on a lot of grinding. On this project I would have welded the slates from under the frame bars thus no welding would be exposed. As Thomas P mentioned, if you make something for yourself others WILL see it and it is like a "calling card". Still a nice looking piece and something to be proud of for sure.

Forgot to mention that you can't get much done on an anvil when it is stacked on top of another! :P


Thomas, stacking anvils is the only way some folk have to make a solid stand. Unless of course they're face to face, then the top one is the hammer!

Nice bench by the way. It has fluid lines and the robust but gracefulness embodied by iron. Well done all round.

Frosty the Lucky.


A very kind thank you for all the comments. To the two Thomas's, you are both correct, I should give as much attention to any piece irrespective of who its for or not. Good work should be done for its own sake. After that gentle repudiation from ThomasP, I slinked back into my shop that very night, ground all the welds, straightened and trued the scrolls, even rewelded a couple of joins that looked a little "iffy" and then sandblasted the whole thing and sprayed it. I then presented it to my wife as a 35 year wedding anniversary gift, with a little note that made mention of the fact that the project had been completed with input from the members of IFI, which she knows is my favourite site.

Frosty, your comments are always welcome. That little anvil (100#der), is sitting atop a 600#der which as soon as I am able to move and photograph it, I am going to ask ThomasP to try and identify it for me. It is a no namer but I'm sure he will, from its shape, be able to make a calculated guess as to its origin.


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