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I have just started into blacksmithing with a friend of mine, presently using an ASO of 50# rail section. A friend has an anvil that I have only seen in pictures and is described as being "over 100 pounds", that I can get for $250. Is this a decent anvil for the price, or should I continue messing with the ASO and search for something better?


I have an anvil that looks just like that(same colour too) :) and if it says brooks on the side you have a winner!



Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! If I knew where that anvil was you would be paying a little more for it 'cus it would be in MY shop being used, not talked about here! :P That is a sweet anvil and well worth the price, considering that it check out on a rebound test. BUY IT!!


In Ohio I'd say that was a tad high. In New Mexico I'd say that was a great price. Where you are????????

Check the face thickness it looked to me like the cutting step had been slanted back a bit which is sometimes done to make the face plate look thicker when it has been ground down a lot. (Could be just an optical of the picture too)

Check the rebound with the ball bearing test.

How much over 100# The deal looks a lot different if it's 180# vs 108#.

And offer the owner $200 with 50 in reserve in case there is a postvise in hiding...

Both brands mentioned are good ones and it looks like a great demo anvil to me---note it looks like it will be very loud; so look into fastening it down to mute the ring!


I've got it's brother in my shop and would buy that one for that price if I had the chance. It's either a Trenton or Hay-Budden. Either way, that's a fine quality anvil.



I agree with the above, but want to go on record that your rail road track is waaaay better than what is termed an "ASO."

Generally, an ASO is lump of inferior material shaped like a london-pattern anvil. The most common example is the cast-iron Harbor Freight "anvils." It won't stand up to forging, and is generally a waste of money.

A rail road track section, on the other hand, is an anvil. Its generally made of high quality steel, and is a very serviceable piece of forging equipment.

You should jump on the opportunity presented to you, but look back fondly on the anvil you used to get started.


Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in your header you may be pleasantly surprised at how many IFI members live close enough to be of hands on help.

Looks like a good anvil from here, do a few of the tests already recommended, checking face plate thickness, ball bearing drop to check rebound, put it on a scale and I like laying a straight edge on the face to check flatness. Oh yeah, it looks like a smaller version of my Trenton.

A piece of RR rail makes a fine anvil, even if you have a "real" one. They're good steel and the profile of the rail makes for good forging with a packable tool.

Frosty the Lucky


Thanks for all of the great advice guys. It ended up being a bit lighter than I thought (99 pounds) BUT I also got it free for the time being, so I am certainly not going to complain. I am amazed with how welcoming this community is, you definitely know to make a guy just starting out feel at home. I am looking forward to a lot of interactions here!

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