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I Forge Iron



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Hello all, I'm Matt from Southeast LA. I know absolutely nothing about smithing, but my family has a farm and there are about a million little things I want to do, fix, etc (including shoeing our donkeys, fixing the random snapped hoe, decorations and maybe even some arrow heads for my bow). I'm 24 and kind of on a budget ( if dirt cheap counts as a budget) but I'm really interested in getting started with some quality tools and instruction. Can anyone recommend what my first steps should be?

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Welcome! As to what to do first... well get some metal hot and hit it! ;)

There should be some local blacksmiths groups in your area... find someone and ask if they have any events.. start showing up and asking questions... find some classes... Most will do what ever they can to help..

Good luck!

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Hi Matt. Welcome to IFI. As Monster said, get some metal hot and start pounding. Look thru the forums and you will find out how to get started with a basic forge and you can be practicing moving metal while you look for better equipment. Stay tuned here and as you go along, ask any questions that may arise. Good luck. :)

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I have friends in Los Angeles! Oh you probably mean that wet state....

Welcome, I would suggest you go to the local public library and ask them to ILL (Inter Library Loan) a copy of Weygers "The Complete Modern Blacksmith" which is all about starting smithing on zero budget and scrounging and making everything you need including forge fuel!

You'll probably want to own your own copy; but previewing books through the library's ILL system is way cheaper than blowing your budget on a book you decide you don't like...

I second the suggestion that you find a local group and get together with them. If they are not too local you might be able to find people to carpool with to go to meetings---we used to carpool for a 2 hour drive to get to SOFA meetings from Columbus OH, (stopping at a large fleamarket along the way of course...)

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Welcome to IFI. Glad to have you here. Please list what tools you have, ie anvil forge hammer(s), etc... That will give us an idea of where to tell you to start. You can start really basic or you can dive right in. Best to dive right in basic.

Mark <><

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Welcome to IFI. Glad to have you here. Please list what tools you have, ie anvil forge hammer(s), etc... That will give us an idea of where to tell you to start. You can start really basic or you can dive right in. Best to dive right in basic.

Mark <><

I am just starting to collect a few tools (mostly from craigslist), but pretty much all your standard farm tools/ gunsmithing tools, and one 3lb crosspeen hammer. I'm currently on my way to pick up a PW anvil. I have a shop vise, grinder, box fans, etc and building a forge. What I Don't have are hammers, tongs, and anvil tools.
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"What I Don't have are hammers, tongs, and anvil tools."

That's one of the great things about blacksmithing. You can make your own. OK, maybe you should wait to try to make a hammer. But the rest of the kit you can do. And the great thing about this site is there is a lot of info under the tools section that will teach you how to do it. So what are you doing still reading this. Get crackin'!!!:D

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