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I Forge Iron

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thats amazing!! what a wonderful piece of film - nice one danger - will def check out more of that man. amazing:)


That is one big hammer head, WOW! I do feel sorry for the trees though which the branches grow through the eye of all the smaller hammer heads, those branches will just die off. I know trees don't scream but if they could this would surely cause them to. The same will happen long in the future with the large hammer and tree but at that time the hammer will finally be hafted and then it can be moved inside and the handle can be properly shaped. I loved watching the big steel being worked, nice to see that plasticity of hot metal, so much easier to so see on that scale than on your own anvil with 1/2" round bar stock and much more impressive!!!! :o


Nol Putnam forged a gun into what might have been a hook at Gichner's in 2009. I have some photos posted.


I think that this was a fundraiser for a local group.


Those are some great images of Nol, Thanks. I have been contacted to do a bench as part of a nonviolence group. I've herd of melted them down to make items but I thought with forging you could still recognize what it was made from which could be real interesting project.


yeah - i think forged is much more interesting for that project - changing a symbol of violence into possibly a thing of beauty? would like to see what you make...


The RCMP in Nova Scotia bring all their confiscated guns to John Little a couple of times a year and pay him to heat them up and flatten them under his hammer. They let him keep the flattened guns. Maybe you could talk to your local police department and offer to destroy a batch for free.


As a firearm enthusiast , and an artist, I can see both sides, but I would never use a good functioning firearm for a project like this. The demonization of firearms has wasted a lot of resources. The San Jose PD had a friend cut some guns ( IIRC it was 9) that a judge ordered destroyed. He asked the officers if they really wanted him to cut a squad car up. They looked puzzled, so he explained that he could sell the guns, and pay for a new squad car with the proceeds. They answered , judges orders. He said it was really hard for him to chop up minty Colt SAA's, and Winchester falling blocks. He has done upwards of 400 guns a month for them. He gets to keep the parts, so at least he gets to recycle those at gun shows. I see pictures of firearms being smashed, or incenerated, and think of all of those fantastic walnut stocks, and history being destroyed. People turning in firearms - I've seen pics of Broomhandles, Lugers, Garands, etc - in order to get concert tickets, or obsolete computers. :blink: Some of those firearms are worth thousands, even 10's of thousands to collectors. :(


As a firearm enthusiast , and an artist, I can see both sides, but I would never use a good functioning firearm for a project like this. The demonization of firearms has wasted a lot of resources. The San Jose PD had a friend cut some guns ( IIRC it was 9) that a judge ordered destroyed. He asked the officers if they really wanted him to cut a squad car up. They looked puzzled, so he explained that he could sell the guns, and pay for a new squad car with the proceeds. They answered , judges orders. He said it was really hard for him to chop up minty Colt SAA's, and Winchester falling blocks. He has done upwards of 400 guns a month for them. He gets to keep the parts, so at least he gets to recycle those at gun shows. I see pictures of firearms being smashed, or incenerated, and think of all of those fantastic walnut stocks, and history being destroyed. People turning in firearms - I've seen pics of Broomhandles, Lugers, Garands, etc - in order to get concert tickets, or obsolete computers. :blink: Some of those firearms are worth thousands, even 10's of thousands to collectors. :(

I've destroyed some nice guns in the name of art, namely a 1903 Springfield and a Japanese WW2 rifle. Burning and forging the forends to blend into a plowshare......for an antiwar sculpture. A noble gesture I guess but I really had a problem roasting that 03, the Jap gun not so much....
Seems silly to me that PD's can't seperate the collectables from the bellyguns and use the money for the public good.....But I'm sure some city gov't types see all firearms as evil and are real stand up ''Do Gooders''. Like the kind of gerks that ban Pit Bulls..Gimme a break

The guns can`t do anything without a finger to pull the trigger. Destroying the guns does nothing toward correcting the thinking of the people who would use them as offensive weapons.
If you could do an act of magic and make all the guns in the entire world disappear people would still go on killing each other. Sad but true. :(


The way I see it guns are just objects. I own one and could get several more just by asking a few relatives. I have no real emotional attachment to them. Some look cool, some scare ---- out of me like chain guns. I don't see a problem reforging them in to art or collecting them. Its not like they are holy relics they are weapons designed to fire a projectile at another human being or creature and hurt or kill them. I don't put that activity on a very high level though it is necessary in certain times and places. I wouldn't even put them on the level of old tools because tools fix and build things. You may say this gun made history well no people made history. I don't put them on the same level with swords and such because they are also works of art and require real skill to use. I honestly see the intense love of guns as sort of pathetic. They say guns are the great equalizer well yes they are, they put some crack head on an equal footing with you. When normally someone in that condition could be put down with a good whack from a bat. But there is no putting the cat back in the bag were are stuck with them. But why glorify them so much I don't get it.


they are weapons designed to fire a projectile at another human being or creature and hurt or kill them. I wouldn't even put them on the level of old tools because tools fix and build things. I don't put them on the same level with swords and such because they are also works of art and require real skill to use.

A few things I can't agree on........Imagine trying to survive in the frontier without one........They ARE tools especially if you will starve to death without one. just as a fishing net gathers fish, guns gather game. Tool. Most of us don't choose to hunt for food anymore but if the fabric of society ever unravels and we can't go to wall mart to get groceries, the hunters will have a better ''shot'' at survival than the shoppers ;).
Saying It doesn't require real skill to operate a firearm just ain't so, sure any jackass can make one go bang.......just like say a total novice running a PH on some hot steel, as opposed to a skilled smith. Will the novice produce anything of worth?No. There are hoards of people who think all hunters need is a full auto rifle and a gut full of booze to go out and lay waste to all they see to say; kill an elk. Good hunters only need one shot, and that is a real skill. I needed two once though :P

A few things I can't agree on........Imagine trying to survive in the frontier without one........They ARE tools especially if you will starve to death without one. just as a fishing net gathers fish, guns gather game. Tool. Most of us don't choose to hunt for food anymore but if the fabric of society ever unravels and we can't go to wall mart to get groceries, the hunters will have a better ''shot'' at survival than the shoppers ;).
Saying It doesn't require real skill to operate a firearm just ain't so, sure any jackass can make one go bang.......just like say a total novice running a PH on some hot steel, as opposed to a skilled smith. Will the novice produce anything of worth?No. There are hoards of people who think all hunters need is a full auto rifle and a gut full of booze to go out and lay waste to all they see to say; kill an elk. Good hunters only need one shot, and that is a real skill. I needed two once though :P

I beg to differ when I was 10 my dad took me out to the country he brought his guns and we did some target practice. After about an hour or so I was hitting targets not bulls eyes but good enough to hit something. So if a 10 year old could learn it in an hour I don't see it as dificult thing to use. I'm not saying that there aren't some very skilled shooters out there, but guns are fairly simple for the most part to operate. If I ever need a gun to survive that will be a sad day indeed. Last time I checked the frontier closed about 1900 or so. I guess if your an Inuit living in Alaska a gun is an important survival tool. But there are a lot of ways to hunt that don't involve guns a boy may be a better option if amo gets hard to come buy. If I were starving I could do better around here with a fishing pole and a clam rake. Modern humans survived in the wilderness for about 100,000 years before guns were invented in china about 700 years ago where they were first used as weapons.

i guess i will have to be a pathetic loser then, with a full belly of coarse.i can appreciate your choice not to be efficent with arms,but to think that only crack heads and red necks have guns well, i guess i'll just leave it at that...jimmy


I got a question, How can you afford to buy a gun to forge with, and where would one get them? :ph34r:

I would love to play around with that idea, (only on some that were junk to begin with)

and as far as i am concerned there are a lot of guns out there that are works of art.

think i'll take the 44 mag black hawk out the next day off and go plinkin :P
this has got me wanting to go for some reason...


Well Southy, you speak like a true Long Islander. It`s always easy for someone who hasn`t invested the time to fully develope the skills required in the field they`re commenting on to completely misunderstand the level and spectrum of skills needed and be dismissive of those who have mastered those skills.
Your crackhead may be adept at shooting fish in a barrel (most are) but put him up against me and my rifle at 500 yards and he doesn`t stand a chance no matter how much ammo he has. I can put him and 10 of his buddies down and still have plenty of rounds left in my 20 round magazine.
Like most skills, shooting takes months if not years of practice and thousands of rounds sent downrange to master and apply with any accuracy and I`m even talking about effective fire with something like an M60 machine gun. People who don`t understand the entire picture and yet make blanket statements are like the guy who picks up a finely forged object from your table and says "anyone can do this,all it takes is fire and a hammer".
I`d be willing to bet I can out shoot you with any weapon you own. That kind of ability only comes from spending several decades learning skills,theory and application of those tools (and a firearm is a tool just like a bayonet is a tool) as a recon soldier and sniper. In that type of real world competition(combat)the second place award is a body bag. Kind of puts a different spin on things now doesn`t it.


What would I shoot here my neighbor? Bob now it sounds like you are bragging how skilled you would be at taking another mans life. Is that really neighborly behavior? Next time when I'm facing 10 crack heads at 500 yards if I could even see them that far away Ill call you you should have enough time to come down from Maine and help me load my sniper rifle. Let it be understood I believe that people have the right to own guns I just don't understand the glorification and intense love of fire arms that some people have.

P.S. I like you Bob and I hope we can get over this.:)


I grew up with firearms, some for hunting, some for plinking, some for personal protection, and some just for the hell of it. I am glad you agree with the right to own guns and really you don't have to understand it, I own every thing from a flint lock tower pistol to AR-15s I just like them it is part of my life, I also have my permit and carry almost daily, hunting is still a big part of my life, I also enjoy target shooting including service rifle compatition. That said in my neck of the woods you really need a firearm of some sort. On the 2 occasions I have needed to call the sheriff department it took them over 30min to get to my place, both times I am convinced that the 1911 on my hip prevented some bad stuff. But hey if ya want to forge a gun into something knock yourself out, as long as its your gun and not mine I don't care.


You can get along with a heck of a lot of people if you don't talk about politics, religion........or guns. This thread was bound to stir things up even though its just a simple inquiry into how one might reconfigure (destroy) a common object into sculpture. There's plenty of em kickin' around that wouldn't be missed, and a good many of those would be far more useful as art (oxymoron)
When you think about humans 100,000 years ago they began our mastery of all we surveyed by making tools. Those first tools were not a couple of stones to grind grain, they were for throwing........nothing new under the sun.......:D

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