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I Forge Iron

what i have made so far

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Gday mate lol

well after building my forge and making some charcoal it was time to heat up some metal :D
first up i made a poker and coal rake for the forge i finished them with wax and oil.


then i made a snail for my sister then my young bloke wanted one and then my mum so here are my first attempts at snails.

and a dragonfly made from a rail pin

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Very nice work!!! I have never used charcoal, what is the process of making it if you don't mind?

I suppose one of the snails is for the little one peaking from behind the anvil?

i will be making some charcoal this weekend so i will take some pics and post them so you can see how i do it.

thats my young bloke he has taken clame to the small snail i just hope he doesn't drop it on his foot.
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  • 2 weeks later...

a few more things i have made

tongs made from BP0099
coat hook
jig i made to do the heart on the coat hook
small turtle
hawk out of a rail pin and the handle is a pice of broken garden fork handle that i cut down with a draw knife

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Looking good Jim. The turtle is especially well done, especially for the time you have at the anvil. Okay, that's enough using "especially" in one post. Ugh.:blink:

Keep posting pics, we love pics.;)

Good on ya mate.

Frosty the Lucky.

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