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I Forge Iron

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So a friend sent me this picture and asked "what is it". I admit that I'm stumped. It is about 12" tall and 9" in diameter. She said they couldn't get the top off to see inside. Not much to go on, so what say you?




You guys crack me up! A compressor sounds reasonable but I only received the one picture and I didn't see any pressure fittings and the mounting tabs seemed to be very heavy duty for a compressor. I'll ask and see if it was ticking :rolleyes: I'll ask about the other side as well. Puzzles are always fun.



Those floating mines are several feet across not inches, and they don't have protective layers of corrugated stuff. They're meant to bump into things.

So, no, no boom. :rolleyes:


Jimmy is right on the money. Old refig. compressor. I have scraped thousands of them.
It's old enough that if any oil is left in it odds are it contains PCB's. Be careful
if you decide to take it apart. The fittings are most likely 1/4 inch steel tube,
no threads. Inside you fine an electric motor and a small compressor made of cast
iron and some valves.


I was going to say an old smudge pot. Since it has been positively identified, all the fun has gone out of it. :(

Well once again someone has stepped up and helped to round out our education. :P

Mark <º)))><


Sorry about spoiling ya'lls fun. Next time I'll let it run a few days before I mess it all up.
On the other hand PCB's are no joke. If you want to know more google them


If it had not been identified I would have tended toward Monster's description but said that we know it as a "ma-gafter"



My friend sent me a picture from the other side and it appears there are two cut off tubes exiting the top. So it would appear the correct answer is a refrideration compressor. It was found in a scrap pile and returned to whence it came so no worries about the PCBs. If I didn't live in CA I'd see about making it go boom just for CurlyGeorge :lol:




It is apparent nobody here grew up with a top mount GE fridge. Ya all younger than 40? last I checked the old GE was still keeping the beer cold after about 80 yrs and rolling down a 40ft driveway and hitting a old oak tree. How many flathead motors or front loaders have ya delt with? Try this for a motto
The diffacult is 1 hour service is normal. the impossible is slightly longer. Do what ya can with what ya got and that is the best you are gonna do. We are not gonna be
a Simmonds or Whitacare or whoever. We can't be the best but we can be the best we can.

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