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I Forge Iron

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This is a knife that i am almost finished making for rthibeau we are trading backsmithing hammers for this knife and i cant figure out how to post pics other than in a thread. So here you go Rich






not bad josh whats it made out of?

it is 3 peices of cable and 15n20 welded inbetween, the cable was welded int solid bars then the center peice was rotated counter clockwise and the 2 outer peices were rotated clockwise, they were wlded into a billet that was rotated counterclockwise lots of welding practice before to get it right lol

Nice knife Josh. Did you get the coal supply problem sorted out?

No, i still have no coal, this knife was forged when i had it, i am forging with raw wood now and the odd bit of charcoal. I am saving to buy a 2 burner diamondback blacksmith propane forge (donations welcome :P )

it is 3 peices of cable and 15n20 welded inbetween, the cable was welded int solid bars then the center peice was rotated counter clockwise and the 2 outer peices were rotated clockwise, they were wlded into a billet that was rotated counterclockwise lots of welding practice before to get it right lol

wow that must have been a trick to do lol and why didnt you etch it?
or did you etch it and you just cant see it in the photo?

wow that must have been a trick to do lol and why didnt you etch it?
or did you etch it and you just cant see it in the photo?

it is etched but not in these photos these were right after the handle was put on it. the etch is faint because they both etch light

it is etched but not in these photos these were right after the handle was put on it. the etch is faint because they both etch light

it had also sat for a litle while because of school so it rusted a litle i also profiled the blade a litle better

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