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I Forge Iron

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Hi folks. Could anyone give me advice on my anvil? As you can see from the pics the hardfacing is completely worn through at the horn end and there is also a crack at the same end. Is it worth repairing or would the cost be so prohibative that it would be easier to buy a new anvil? Thanks.post-14829-0-08070500-1307360565_thumb.j











I wouldn't say it would cost more to fix than a new anvil, but it will never perform like a new anvil either. A good used anvil for a fair price would be better than fixing that one though, by a long shot.


Thanks, i forgot to say it sounds dull when given the hammer ring test but the rebound is not actually that bad.

I wouldn't say it would cost more to fix than a new anvil, but it will never perform like a new anvil either. A good used anvil for a fair price would be better than fixing that one though, by a long shot.

Dull sound but good rebound...me thinks that this would be a cast iron anvil with a tool steel face. The repair would be difficult if you have little or no welding experience and if it is cast, my opinion here, it to look for a new or better anvil and maybe use this one for an upsetting block.


Doesn't look cast to me I bet that crack is what is giving the dull sound.

As to the economics---you didn't give us enough information! Are you a good welder and own industrial grade equipment---or will you have to pay someone to do it for you? It will be a large job and welding up that crack will be a pain if that's wrought iron like I suspect it is---may be failure of the original weld as that anvil was assembled by welding up chunks of wrought iron.

My take on it would be to put the money into a different anvil and see if you could find perhaps a VoTech welding project that might take it on as a class project, (offer to pay for the consumables)---make sure they read Rob Gunter's Anvil Repair Instructions and do it *right*.


Sorry Thomas, i shall give as much info as i can. Firstly i am a reasonable welder though more of hobbist welder with standard basic equipment , so i would have to get someone else to weld it. Therein lies the problem - i live on a small island called Stronsay, located in the Orkney Islands just off the NE tip of Scotland(Google it for reference). I'm pretty sure no one here could weld to that degree and therefore, i would have to send it to mainland Scotland and incur very high transport costs. I am currently restoring an old forge(side blown, water cooled tuyuere and leather/steel hand pumped double bellows) Pics below. The forge itself has not been used for well over 60 years and i am trying to keep everything as authentic as possible. I think the anvil is wrought iron with a welded hardface. Your idea of a class welding project is an excellent idea by the way! Many thanks for your help, i will keep things posted.

Doesn't look cast to me I bet that crack is what is giving the dull sound.

As to the economics---you didn't give us enough information! Are you a good welder and own industrial grade equipment---or will you have to pay someone to do it for you? It will be a large job and welding up that crack will be a pain if that's wrought iron like I suspect it is---may be failure of the original weld as that anvil was assembled by welding up chunks of wrought iron.

My take on it would be to put the money into a different anvil and see if you could find perhaps a VoTech welding project that might take it on as a class project, (offer to pay for the consumables)---make sure they read Rob Gunter's Anvil Repair Instructions and do it *right*.

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