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I Forge Iron

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Gday peoples

i am new to blacksmithing but i am learning a lot from this site and all the info on the net. i have spent the last month
reading as much info on blacksmithing as my brain can manage. well last weekend i thought it was time to build a coal forge so i can start heating up some metal. i have also made a propane burner for a gas forge, i just havent made the forge for it. i picked up an old beaten up anvil for $50 at a garage sale. and have been getting a few more hammers and tools together.

it will be good chating to you guys.

cheers Jim


Hey Jim,
Welcome to IFI. As you said and Curleygeorge said, there is a lot of info available here. All you have to do is ask and you will get an answer/opinion. Both are useful. Glad to have you here. Look forward to seeing you progress.

Mark <º))><


G'day cobber! welcome to IFI. get in touch with MOONY , Glenn Moon in N.S.W. and Dale Russel in Victoria. what a pair! also you need to link up with the OZ roundup here on IFI. This is the best site for blacksmith info going, all you gotta remember is be NICE! Never type cuss words in chat, and always respect the old f***s.


New South Wales---Australia and a proper reminder that this is an INTERNATIONAL site and so folks should be careful on how they give locations---I've seen a bunch of times when someone will post that they are "in the Bay Area" and not mention if it's San Fransisco or Chesapeake and that's just in the USA!


G'day cobber! welcome to IFI. get in touch with MOONY , Glenn Moon in N.S.W. and Dale Russel in Victoria. what a pair! also you need to link up with the OZ roundup here on IFI. This is the best site for blacksmith info going, all you gotta remember is be NICE! Never type cuss words in chat, and always respect the old f***s.

gday old N rusty. i am always nice lol. i dont think s##t is a cuss word, but if we all go through life thinking the same thing it would be prety boaring. you said to me the other day if you wont say it in church dont say it in chat well the last wedding i went to the priest said it a few times along with a few other words that i wont say. and always respect the old f***s, only if they respect me.

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