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I had to share! After 3 years and about 400 feet of trench. I have water!!!! I'm so pleased!!!!
The second picture is the opposite direction from the first. My water system consists of a Solar powered well with about 4000 gallon of storage up in the trees. My shudio is gravity fed. GOOD BYE HOSE!!! I won't miss you!!!!





How long you been without edge? Be nice when its done, eh?

Mmmmm, Hose water! Nut'in goes better with coffee...

Hose bib by the roll up and Its going in! I got the pressure pump yesturday and I'll be ordering the water heater next week :D :D


How long you been without edge? Be nice when its done, eh?

Mmmmm, Hose water! Nut'in goes better with coffee...

Hose bib by the roll up and Its going in! I got the pressure pump yesturday and I'll be ordering the water heater next week :D :D

My shop is right next door to my house so water is available. but I am running a line into the shop to that i can eliminate my two 5 gallon buckets as the only source in the building. a neighboring mobile home is being torn down and I intend to reroute the water main into my shop as soon as the mess has been cleared away. so it will be a few weeks.

as for now I have to carry buckets of water into my shop as needed and all other activities(coffee pot, cleaning, ect, ect) have to be taken care of elswhere.

as for now I have to carry buckets of water into my shop as needed and all other activities(coffee pot, cleaning, ect, ect) have to be taken care of elswhere.

I know that routine! The bucket I use for s slack tub used to get nasty with me rinsing my hands of in it....

Congrats on the pipe. I had rented a trencher once to dig a new trench for the phone company and did water lines everywhere I could think of at the time especially to where I will build the shop.I got the biggest one they had and it went very fast for about 1000 ft total.
Nice view also.


Thanks Rob-
Ya trenchers go fast. My ground is so Rocky I was a little worried about one being effective- So I went with the Backhoe. Filling and grading were a chore...
If you ever up this way, Stop in.


Please expound on the solar powered well. This is the first time i have heard of this. Is it a commercial thing or a blacksmith invention? Reason i ask is. Right after the horrible Hatian earthquake i was asking the solar hot water sellers if they had ever heard of such a water well application for solar power "No" was all the answer i got, and the interest was cool. that would have been a real solution for that country's drinking water problems. Instead pallets of bottle water were flown in and i am sure the plastic bottles are still laying about.


Old n Rusty-
My solar powered well consists of 4, 135 watt panels that power a Grundfos submersible well pump. Its setup to pump about 5 Gallons a minute. I live in the hills so I use storage tanks with a float switch. This gravity system supplies my shop, a small dwelling and irrigation water. It was costly to put in... My first gallon cost me about $4500.00 (pump, panels, controller and switch). That was 5 years ago. When I ran the numbers to see if it was cost effective to use solar, I figured it would cost about $00.0001 Per Gallon over the life of the system. I always have water too.

Here is a link for the pump> http://net.grundfos.com/doc/webnet/sq_flex/int/index.html


What is that a 1" poly line? Did you do a sand backfill around it or just put native soil as a backfill? Some friends of mine put in an 1-1/2" PVC water line in rocky soil and two years later they were digging it up and putting in a poly line with sand backfill because the rocks in the native soil backfill had worn holes in the PVC as it settled. PVC isn't very tough when it comes to stones in the backfill, poly is much tougher. Nice looking country surrounding you. B)

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