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I Forge Iron

How about RR track for knives


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I have a place near by where i can get pieces of railroad track that were discarded years ago. They just piled four to ten foot pieces of it in the woods and let the plants try to take them back. I was thinking about using them as steel for knives, but i know that i don't have the tools to cut them into usable pieces. I was wondering if anyone could suggest something, (hopefully not to costly) that i could use to cut them.

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Not how; Why? Yes it's a decent steel for blades (usually around a high Mn 1070; but does vary) However the amount of time you would have to spend to put it in usable shape far outweighs it's utility.

Why not use a coil spring from a vehicle? Or even mow a lawn and buy new steel from a knifemaker's supply company.

if you feel you must: cutting in the field is a pain. I have cut trolley rail in the field using a 30" bow saw with a section of bandsaw blade mounted in it, cut from the bottom and break it off when you reach the work hardened face. Of course an O-A cutting torch is handy (or oxy propane!) but may have issues with fire and transport.

Back in the shop I have used a large angle grinder with a blade rated for metal cutting.

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