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I Forge Iron

New Computer


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Well my Beloved finally got tired of trying to use my ancient computer and went and bought a new one. I'm not to sure about this Windows 7 thing, nothing and I mean nothing seems to work, email is no simple matter like before, seems like I now have to go to 7 places to just read it,plus another to send it. I not too sure she got her moneys worth but as long as she is happy, I'll try to share her joy too. :blink:

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Curly, I'm looking for a corner somewhere in the house to set my old computer up so I can go back to XP, this Windows 7 thing is driving me nuts and Lord knows I got enough things to drive me nuts as it is. All of my many favorites are on my old machine and now they are sitting over there and not here, and my pictures too. I remember when I used to write letters on paper! I feel like I in the wrong time and place that's for sure and the pain don't help the change over any to a new computer any either. :(

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