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I Forge Iron

And another newbie!

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Guest Johnnie


Just thought I would introduce myself! I am John, living in France as 3 years ago we moved here from the UK for a quieter life!
Recently started Blacksmithing 3~4 months ago and have to say I am loving it!
Recently made a Coke Forge using a cast iron fireplace insert (the old one that was left here by the previous owners). Using a compressor and regulated compressed air it works fine!

Burning myself frequently but learning a lot with the help of you guys!

Will get some pictures of my 'Smithy' and some of the odds an sods I have been playing with.

Must admitt that I would like to make a Power Hammer out of scrap, to ease the arm!

Right of to browse this site.

John (newbie)


Welcome aboard John, glad to have ya.

You should work out something other than compressed air for the blast. It'll work but a proper blast works much better be it from bellows, blower or a prevailing wind. Even a blow drier works better.

I'll be looking forward to pics of your set up and projects. We LOVE pics you know.;)

Frosty the Lucky.

Guest Johnnie

Thanks for the advice Frosty! As it happens our Farrier is coming over on Sunday to show me a few tricks of the trade and I am buying his old forge with water tank and blower etc, but I cant have it till June!

Just have to manage till then :(
Thanks again,

Guest Johnnie

Thanks for the advice Frosty! As it happens our Farrier is coming over on Sunday to show me a few tricks of the trade and I am buying his old forge with water tank and blower etc, but I cant have it till June!

Just have to manage till then :(
Thanks again,


Wow i had never even thought of using compressed air in a forge! well you learn something every day,sadly on this side of the Atlantic all we can make is DEPRESSED air , and it might not work as well. Welcome to IFI there are some super smiths here and they are very willing to share info, all you got to do is be NICE! P.S. my peanut tree is blooming today and soon i will have a bumper crop of peanuts....... APRIL FOOLS!

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