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I have been looking all over the internet for an article on making a three legged candle holder. If any one knows where I could find some information on this it would be much apprehended. Also if you know where I could find easy to intermediate projects also tell me. I know of anvil fore and FABA web site.


Go to IForgeIron.com > Forum > Pages (tab at the top of the page) and Blueprints. There are currently over 200 how to tutorials on file with more being added.

To access the IForgeIron archive, click on IForgeIron.com > Forum > Pages (tab at the top of the page) then Pages again (right hand column).


There are three ways, and maybe one hunderd more.

Take a plate, maybe 1/4" thick, scribe a circle. Leg off three equadistant points on the circumference using dividers. Lay out your three legged design. Cut it out with torch, plasma, or hot cut and striker. Grind, sand, and bend.

Do a T-weld with flat stock, a single leg to the center of a bar twice its length. The area of the weld will be the center of the three legs. Bend the longer of the formerly two bars so you have the three legs. If it's a forge weld, it will need some careful forging around the weld to make it uniform...with perhaps some sanding and/or filing.

Or it could be pre-bent, laid out carefully, and arc or gas welded followed by cleanup.

Take a quite wide piece of stock. Hot split it down the medial line and open up the two legs you just split. Fuller a radius at the termination of the cut. You can pre-punch a small hole for the base of the cut, and that will help with the later fullering. Draw down the remaining leg by forging on edge and on the flat until you get the matching cross-section of the first two legs. Fine tune the central area and the angles before bending.

None of the above I would consider newbie stuff.

http://www.turleyforge.com Granddaddy of Blacksmith Schools


Use 2 or 3 pieces of stock, and a rivet. Bend before riveting, so you just have adjustments to make. Use the same rivet to hold the candle pan and cup on. This way can be a beginner's level project.


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